About the American Venous Forum Membership

Membership in the Venous Forum may include physicians certified by one of the American Certifying Boards or by one of the Royal Colleges who have demonstrated an interest in and contribution to the management of venous problems and who are in good standing in their State or Provincial Medical Societies in the United States or Canada. From time to time, the Membership Committee may recommend membership to scientists who are not M.D.'s but who do possess a doctorate degree and who have demonstrated a major commitment to issues of venous disease.

Active members: As identified above.  Active members shall pay dues and have full voting privileges. Attendance at the Annual Scientific Program shall be expected of all Active members.  

Senior members: Included will be active members who have reached the age of 65 years; or members for whom, for reasons of health or other just cause, the Executive Committee recommends this category. They shall not be bound by meeting attendance and dues may be waived upon written request by Senior Member to waive dues.  The Executive Committee may approve or disapprove the request at an executive meeting. 

Honorary members: Individuals who have made outstanding contributions in the field of vascular science. They shall not pay dues nor shall they have voting privileges.

Associate members: Individuals who have an interest in the management of venous disorders, but do not necessarily hold a doctoral degree such as nurses, registered vascular technologists, etc.  Associate members will pay membership dues determined by the Executive Committee.  Associate members are not eligible to vote or hold elective office.

Candidate members: Physicians who are currently serving in a capacity of a resident or as a fellow in a post-doctoral training program and have demonstrated interest in and have made a contribution to the management of venous disease. Candidate members are not eligible to vote or hold elective office and are required to pay membership dues as set by the Executive Committee. Membership in this category shall not exceed 3 years.  At the conclusion of post-doctoral training, Candidates may opt to become Active Members, by notifying the Forum in writing.  In this instance, the application process will be waived, and the name shall automatically be placed on the Ballot.